I saw this on the Daily Show last night and was completly amazed. I was amazed at way the people think Sara Palin is an actual experienced politician and ready to be the vice-president of the United States of America. I don't know, maybe there is a difference between what the mayor of Wasila used to do and what the current mayor does now. But I have my doubts. As you can see, the current mayor of Wasila, Dianne M. Keller, doesn't really do much at all. She has a staff meeting on Monday and she signs checks on Thursday, but other then that, she doesn't really do much. Maybe I'm missing something, but if you can't explain the things you do in a typical day, your either are not that bright or you don't do anything. Maybe I'm missing something here too, but if you don't do anything, its hard to call that experience and enough qualification to become vice-president of the U.S.A.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
5 Movies I Would Bring to a Deserted Island
So I was sitting here trying to think of what to write about (I have a feeling this wont be the last time) and I was pretty stuck. So I jokingly asked my dad what I should write about because he asked what I was doing just sitting at the computer. His response was perfect. He told me to write about the five movies I would bring to a deserted island. I figured that since I wanted to write about movies on this blog, this was actually a fairly good idea. So here you go, the five movies I would bring with me to a deserted island. Note that these may not be my top favorite movies, just movies that I am thinking would be good on a desolate island.
1- Little Miss Sunshine. This is a great movie that is touching and heart warming. Every time I watch it, it gets better and better. The cast is perfect and work great together. The little girl (I don’t know her name, but she is Olive in the movie) I so sweet and innocent that I can’t not smile when I watch her do the stuff that she wants to do. The last scene is classic, I don’t want to give away the ending, but I must say that they are awesome dancers!
2- Castaway. I would bring this movie just to see how to be lonely. I think Tom Hanks is really good, and that supporting cast makes him look outstanding. If I was stranded on a deserted island, that is how I would learn to do all the stuff needed to survive.
3- Anchorman. I know I would need a good laugh eventually, and who better to deliver the performance then Will Ferrell as a newscaster? This has one of the best scenes out of any movie I have seen, the street fight. I’ll just leave it at that there is a bunch of guys from competing channels, fighting in a back ally, with homemade weapons.
4- Rocky (the first one). After I watch this movie, I want to go out and run a marathon. It just gets me pumped up. I think I would need that motivation if I were all by myself on a deserted island. It just goes to show that you can surmount insurmountable odds and come out on top.
5- Raising Arizona. Once again, this is just a great movie. There really isn’t a reason for bringing it, other then that it’s a classic. This has one of my favorite characters of all time in it. The bounty hunter. I don’t know his name, but he is just a big, mean, tough, grizzly bear of a man that is terrorizing Nicholas Cage throughout the movie. The scene where they meet in the end is just great. It’s just plain and simple with no background distraction (like music) and optimizes the way the movie was made. It’s a well written, well acted, and overall good movie.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Mother's Food
OK, so I’m going to try and cover all the topics I thought I would right about on my blog right away to see which ones are worth continuing and which ones are not my time and effort.
Today is going to be about food. Good old, home baked, downright amazing food. For me, there are only two people in this world that can make food like that, my mom and my grandma. Others try, like my dad and grandpa and other peoples moms, but nobody can put food on the table that just makes me happy like my mom and grandma. There is just something that they do to make it special and amazingly appetizing. It has that quality that only they can put on it. Everybody knows this. Your mom’s homemade cookies are about ten times better then any cookie you can buy at the store. It’s just that simple.
My brother came home on a visit from college this past weekend. He brought a couple of his football buddies with him, so I’m pretty sure my mom felt she had to cook for them. I highly doubt lasagna, apple slices, and a large breakfast were on the menu for my dad and I that weekend, until she found out my brother was coming home. I don’t mind so much when my brother comes home, I get to eat well.
Now I know that sometimes when you read or think about food, you get hungry. But I can’t miss this opportunity to describe how amazing my weekend was. Yes, the food alone made my weekend amazing.
I actually didn’t know my brother was having his friends over until about midway through the afternoon. I came up from downstairs and say that my mom had been cooking all day. I can always tell when she has been cooking all day because she always wears an apron and turns the radio on and sings along. I inquired into what she was cooking and found that I was going to eat well that night. Lasagna, my favorite dinner, and apple slices, one of my favorite desserts. Now you need to know why lasagna (of course my mothers) is my favorite dinner. I am Italian, so naturally I like Italian food. But I don’t just like it, I couldn’t live without it. Anything that’s Italian is my favorite, but lasagna trumps them all. This is because lasagna combines everything that is great about Italian into one bite. The great pastas. The great sauces. The great meats and sausages. The great cheeses. The overall greatness of Italy in one great bite of food. But in my mom’s lasagna, everything is amplified. The approximately four inch tall masterpiece of lasagna is easily the best food on this planet.
Then came the apple slices for dessert. I am a chocolate guy. Put chocolate on just about anything and I think it is better. But apple slices have no hint of chocolate in them. They are just apples and sugar under a crust and sugar topping. They are just great. There is something about them that just makes them impossible to stop eating. Any food that you just can’t stop eating, even if you are full, is a food that is worth your while.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sports Just Keep Dragging On
Football is my favorite sport right now. There is no doubt. Either playing or watching, it doesn’t matter, it is really fun and exciting. Having the ability to run around and hit people as hard as you possible can is not a chance you get everyday, unless, of course, you play football. But even if you don’t play football, it can still be enjoyable. Sitting on you r couch on a Saturday afternoon, what else do you watch other then college football? Even if you don’t care about either team playing, if it’s a close game, you have to stay around and watch it.
But just like any other sport, football drags on too long. 16 weeks of football, bowl games 3 weeks after the regular season is over, and the Super Bowl in February. If I played football for a living, I would just get tired of playing after a while. I think the high school season is just right. As of right now, at the beginning of the last week of the regular season, I’m thinking, “ok I’m starting to get tired of playing, but I can go for one more week.” Then comes sub-state and the playoffs, which rejuvenates everybody all over again because we all want to go out and prove that this season was not just a waste of time. Playing in the playoffs just gives you a good feeling because you can say you are better then over half the teams in the state. Winning in the playoffs gives and even better feeling, but I’m not going to go there until we actually do win.
Now I have been talking about football dragging on, but it is not even the worst. It is not even the second worst at dragging on. The worst is easily baseball, then comes basketball. Baseball is still going on right now on October 19. I thought baseball was a summer sport, but they start in the spring and play until the end of fall. I’m not interested in baseball, no matter if it’s the World Series or not, during week 9 of football. Maybe it has something to do with the ridiculously large number of 162 games played in the regular season. That’s just too much, I don’t care who you are.
Then basketball. I just saw a preseason game the other day, once again during week 9 of football. I thought basketball was supposed to be a winter sport. But they start in the fall and play into the spring, right during the time baseball starts. Its all so much, so many games played, so many practices, so many road trips. After a while, it just doesn’t seem like a game anymore.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? What is the scariest? The saddest? The best? For me, it’s any that makes me think. Picking one movie to be the best is almost impossible. You can have more than one favorite movie, that not against the law. Unless there is just one movie that blows you away and you can’t stop thinking about it, it’s perfectly fine to have a list of your favorite movies. I think it’s almost a bad thing to pick a single movie as the best.
Making a decent movie is a daunting task. To be successful is very hard. This is because different people define being successful differently. To one person, successful may mean you make a movie that attempts to offend nobody. But to another person, successful may mean to make a movie that points out the flaws in society, offending a lot of people. I think that for a filmmaker to be successful, he needs to make the movie that he pictures in his head, and not let anybody change what he envisions.
Now back to favorite movies. Like I said before, I have not a single favorite movie, but a list of the top movies I have seen. All of these top movies are ones that make me think. After the movie is over, I’m thinking to myself about how it could have turned if this had happened or how it could have been different if the character chose to do this instead of that. A good movie leaves me feeling like I haven’t seen enough and I don’t want it to be over. I never can get enough of a good movie.
Now I’m going to start something. At the end of each post I will try to include a YouTube video to search for. I have that nifty little search YouTube thing on the side of my blog and I want to put it to good use. So here is the first one: Search “afro ninja” (its only on my mind because we were watching it in class today. I’m not even saying its that good, its just for a quick laugh).