Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine Flu
People are worried about this flu because it has a little flu from pigs, birds, and humans all wrapped into one. It is airborne, and is possibly lethal, just like the regular flu. The regular flu kills about 30,000 people a year in the United States. This new swine flu, 1 person dead in the U.S. Wow. I’m scared. I have a 1 in 300,000,000 chance of dying because of the swine flu. There is a greater possibility of getting eaten by a shark while looking for shells on the shore of Lake Michigan (not really, but still, you get my point (I hope)). So overall, to say the least, I am not worried.
I would be worried if I lived in a third world country, with no proper vaccine or health care or treatment. If I lived there and the swine flu came along, I would run away. And this is where the media should be focusing their attention, on the terrible conditions in which the people are living who catch the swine flu. This is where the real story is at. I feel sad for people who can’t take care of the simple flu because they don’t have the right treatments while the generous and benevolent United States hoards all of the flu vaccines.
The thing that actually worries me the most, since I don’t live in a third world country, is how the virus mutated so quickly. The virus went to a pig and a bird and is now in a human and it contains parts of the flu from all three. This shows that viruses can evolve and mutate quickly and efficiently. This is where the real problem is at. When the swine flu starts to show resistance to the drugs used to treat it, then there is the possibility of an epidemic. Then I will be scared because it won’t be too far off in the distance when other viruses and bacteria start to develop resistance to the drugs that treat them. I know that it is happening now, but it is happening rather slowly. If this swine flu was to evolve that quickly to resist drugs that were just introduced to it, then I will be worried. But until then, I’m just going to sit back and watch everybody get all worked up over nothing.
100 Days
People give Bush 8 years to screw over the nation, but they only give Obama 100 days to fix it.
Let's grow up, and let the President do his job and get off his back. We obvioulsy had a lot of patience with Bush, so let's show some maturity and show some patience with Obama
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
With the new spring weather finally starting to take hold, I am getting worn out of school. The warm weather outside make it close to impossible to stay inside, which teachers seem to make us do a lot. I hate sitting in a boring class while looking out a window to the magnificent warm world outside. It makes me mad. I just want to go lie in the grass and take a nap, what’s so wrong about that? (everything if you’re a teacher)
Like I said, the warm weather is finally starting to come around on a regular basis. This means that baseball is starting, school is ending, and the bugs are coming back. I loathe bugs. I wish they would disappear and never, ever come back. They are annoying, they are persistent, and they are always places that you don’t want them to be. I can’t stand them. They get on my nerves and stay until I am finally able to find some way to kill it. But it seems like there is an endless supply of bugs, so there is always another one willing to take the dead ones place, kind of like the Chinese army.
And this would be one of the few reasons why would continue to live in Iowa. The winter kills all the bugs, so there is a time of relative peace if you can stand the negative temperatures. The winter in Iowa is bug free, and it is fabulous. I love walking my dog and not having to swat at the millions of bugs revolving around my head (if my boots aren’t filled with snow). I love not having to chase a bug that followed me through the door around the house (if my feet aren’t frozen from the tiles). I love it (if you interpret love as I can’t wait for warm weather, but I still hate bugs). But when the spring weather brings around heat and water, the bugs multiply. It is almost an instant change. One day they are completely gone, and the next there are more then the entire human population of the world. If you are lucky, you might catch a warning and see one or two a day or so in advance of the outburst. And this is why I hate spring, bugs. There is no way to avoid them, there is no way to kill them all. They are always present, they are everywhere. I can’t stand bugs.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Making a Very Difficult Decision
Making decisions can be difficult. Making decisions about food can be even more difficult. When I am at a restaurant the one thing that I choose off the menu is the thing that I am going to spend my time eating, so I want it to be the best possible choice. I don’t want to waste my one opportunity on something that I will regret later, so I truly have to think about what it is I want to eat on that particular occasion.
The first thing that I take into consideration is what I’m in the mood for. But this is usually taken care of by the choice of restaurant anyway, so I don’t have to think that much about it. The second thing is how hungry I am. The answer to this is usually “very” so there is a good chance I am looking for something with a rather large portion. But if the place seems to have good deserts, then I might consider a smaller meal so I can enjoy the desert to the fullest. But after I take in those thought, I basically am open to anything. So that is my decision process at a restaurant.
I guess one could call me a true American because I really like a good hamburger. Actually, I could be called a hamburger connoisseur. If we are eating at an American restaurant, I am likely to get the hamburger. I have tried hamburgers from all over, and I have tried many different hamburgers, but there are a few that always outdo the rest. So here’s a list:Best Fast Food Burger: Culver’s Double Butterburger with Cheese
Best Expensive Burger: Beckett’s Traditional Hamburger
Best BBQ Burger: Granite City’s BBQ Hamburger with Cheese
Best Overall Burger: The Starlite Room’s ½ pound Super Burger
Then after I enjoy my hamburger, I like to have some desert. This is the decision that always gets me. I can never decide what to get because most of the time it all looks so good. I want to have a little bit of everything, but I can’t, I have to decide on one. When I'm in a predicament like this, I usually go with whatever has the most chocolate in it. The hardest place to decide what to get for desert is Hickory Park. This place carries Blue Bunny Ice Cream, and its desert menu is larger then the regular menu. It’s actually kind of like heaven.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My Fun Summer
Baseball is that sport that takes up the most time. So I worked out some numbers here (baseball is all about numbers, most of the coaches are math teachers): In one day, we spend more time doing baseball related activities then we would at school. We spend 1 hour lifting, 2 hours at batting practice, 4 hours (or more) playing a double header, then 1 hour with after game running and field cleanup- totaling 7 hours of baseball in one day. The school day is only 6.75 hours, with almost an hour of that going to lunch and passing time.
So with all of this extra time, I don’t know what to do with myself. Actually that is a complete lie. I will wake up at 6:15 every weekday to get to school for 6:30 football lifting and running. Then I will go straight to basketball workouts at 8:30, and then stay after it’s over to get extra shots up. Then after that I will go home and take a nap, only to be woken up by my dad who either wants me to mow the lawn or go on a bike ride with him, so I begrudgingly do either (actually I enjoy bike rides, but I loath mowing the lawn, so it balances out). Fun day right?
To me it is. I will enjoy my summer if everyday is like that. But the sad thing is that everyday is not a weekday. I think that every weekend I have a basketball tournament. Literally every weekend. If I don’t have one with my school team, my AAU team fills in the gap. My AAU team also takes up two weeks with two separate week long tournaments. I am also going to lose a weekend going to San Antonio for a family reunion (this will be the most fun time of the summer, whoooooo!!!! 6 Flags!). Along with football camps that I would like to go to, this is going to be a full summer, even without baseball.
The Drake Relays
This shuttle hurdle relay is a very new event in Iowa. Its first year in the state was only 3 years ago, when I was a freshman. It is obvious that it is brand new because whenever I tell someone that I run it, they always look at me with an odd look, and ask what I’m talking about. Everybody knows the 4x100, the 4x400, and the distance medley, but nobody knows the shuttle hurdle. So let me explain to you, like I explain to everybody else, what the shuttle hurdle relay is.
The relay team consists of four runners, just like every other relay, but instead of using the whole track to run, all we need is the front stretch. Each team has two lanes, with hurdles facing opposite ways in each. The first and third runners start at the finish line and come straight at the second and fourth runners. When the runner coming at you goes over the last hurdle, you have to be set in your blocks and cannot be moving. Then, when that runner hits the break line, the next runner can go. The total race is 440 meters, with each runner running 110 meters and jumping over 10 hurdles.
So that is the shuttle hurdle relay, running back and forth on the front straight. Right now, my shuttle hurdle team is seeded third. Let me rephrase that: we have the third fastest time out of any school in the state right now. Drake is not like state where you run against teams in your class; Drake is everybody has an equal shot and the top times qualify, no matter how big your school is. Our goal is to run a faster time then what we have now. There is nothing else we can do if we improve, so we have to let the cards fall where they may. The ultimate goal is to get past the prelims and be in the top 8 (there are only 16 teams and 8 go to finals), then in the finals run a sub 59 second time and hope for the best. I have never been to Drake, but I am told that this is a very fast track (meaning you feel faster on this track compared to normal) and our time should drop and we should at least place at the Drake Relays.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Iowa Is Truly Amazing
The seasons of Iowa are some of the most extreme in the nation. The winter is horribly cold, and the summer is horribly hot. In the winter we get snow, wind, ice, and just plain cold (well below zero) temperatures. In the summer we get ungodly heat and humidity. So the in between times are actually halfway decent. Spring and fall in Iowa are two times of the year when it is bearable to be outside for any extended period of time. But then again, spring and fall kind of suck. This is because winter and summer spread out over great periods of the year, so on the calendar when spring and fall actually start, winter and summer are still present. Summer drags on into fall so by the time fall weather comes, it is late in the year. But the worst is winter dragging into spring. Spring in Iowa doesn’t really start until the end of April at the earliest, not March 21. We get snow storms on April 14 and 30 degree weather with a wind chill that reminisces of winter. It is not right. Any human in their right mind would move as far away as possible, immediately. So why is Iowa truly amazing?
Iowa is amazing because when spring finally does roll around, everybody is in a good mood. Not one person has the ability to truly be down. The winter is so long and drawn out and cold, that the warm, nice, sunny weather is mouth-watering. Everybody has put up with the winter, and everybody is glad it is over. Iowa has the power to make everybody happy. No other place has this kind of instant ability to change everybody’s mood. If you live in Iowa, you know what I am talking about. The winter is depressing and unavoidable, but the spring is amazing and irresistible. Iowa is unique and truly amazing.
Susan Boyle
You can’t say you were expecting that. The first time I saw this video, I was completely shocked. I thought she was going to be another William Hung, and be completely terrible. Just by looking at her, I knew that she couldn’t sing well. I was sure of it. I was sure she was going to belt out something that scarred my ears and actually deserved the ripping that Simon gives out. But no. I was wrong. Everybody was wrong. I know you would be lying if you said you expected that kind of performance. She completely stunned everybody, and I think that is partly societies fault. Society labeled her as an old, ugly lady who isn’t worth a thing. And that is why everybody was stunned. You don’t expect a beautiful song from somebody labeled like that. So I think that society as a whole should apologize to Susan Boyle and from now on, not label people before we see what they can do.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Scary but Funny
The name of the video is “Project 912 Glen Beck Tea Party.” Now this may not sound like a scary video, but it truly is. It is not about monsters or aliens or anything of that nature, it is about people. It is about a get together of people who want to express their ideas and feelings. I think that to attend one of these parties, you should have to pass a test to make sure you are not clinically insane.
This video does not start out like anything out-of-the-ordinary. It does not have nay action or anything like that. All it is, is people talking about politics. Politics in itself is a scary thing because many people have bad ideas, and many people have the power to put those bad ideas into affect. What makes this video even scarier is the fact that this guy is being completely serious. He is not joking in any way, and he truly thinks that everything is a conspiracy and he blames the communists. If I was to say this anywhere, at anytime (I’m not saying I even could, I couldn’t keep a straight face this is so ridiculous, and I'm not alone), I would be laughed at.
Scary might be an understatement. He blames communists and he blames mind washing techniques that are brainwashing our children. I’m sorry, but this is ludicrous. Get past the Cold War, move forward from the Stone Age, please learn to live in the present. I can’t stand people who hold true conspiracy theories of the 50’s to find a scapegoat for today. Just because we are going through hard times does not mean that one person is responsible, that one idea was wrong, that one mistake lead to the whole disaster. Learn to accept reality and please, if you have ideas that might even resemble these, do not share them with anybody, you might get laughed at.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Man on Wire
I thought “wow” a lot when Philippe Petit (the man this documentary is about) was talking about his passion. Wire walking is a unique hobby, and he has perfected this skill. He was 16 when he first learned about the World Trade Centers and that is when his dream began. So he started to build his reputation. He put a wire between the two towers of Notre Dame, and he put a wire between the two towers of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. He successfully walked in each of these places and he successfully brought attention to himself and people liked him. So then he put his dream into motion. He had dreamt of walking between the Trade Centers and now he was actually making this a possibility. His dream was tangible, and he was about to achieve it.
Most often when I said “wow” out loud was when Philippewas actually walking on his wire. This man is completely amazing. The movie is about his quest to string a wire between the World Trade Centers and walk between them, without any harnesses or safety equipment. He literally was balancing a quarter of a mile above the earth on a rope that was less than one inch thick. I was completely shocked that anybody in their right mind would put themselves in that kind of situation. But, when I look at the big picture, Philippe’s life story and his childhood, I realize that this is not a normal person. He is a wirewalker. This is somebody that walks on tightropes stretched out between two points (trees, buildings, et cetera) and performs for a crowd. He can lie down, walk backward, do summersaults, and juggle while he is on the wire. This kind of person has a sense of balance unlike anything else. There is some home footage in the movie of Phillip practicing wire walking, and his friends are jumping up and down on the wire and pulling it and doing anything they can to make him fall off. But he doesn’t. He stays on the wire and walks from end to end with the wire bouncing and shaking and swaying. The concentration on his face is intense. His face is a stone mask and nothing can be done to disrupt him. He is a man that belongs on a wire.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Obama and Nukes
What the hell are you guys talking about? He’s not saying that we should be the only nation to disarm our nukes; he’s saying that everybody that has nuclear missiles should disarm them. We would not be alone in this; there would be no active nukes in the world. The instant that we disarm our nuclear missiles, we would not be bombarded by others, because there wouldn’t be any. That’s the point of this whole action, to eliminate the threat of a nuclear holocaust. The simple possibility that at any instant multiple nations could start attacking each other with these devastating weapons is terrifying. It’s scary to think that one instant I could be walking my dog, and the next blown off the face of the earth. I’m not saying that this is likely; I’m just saying that to think about this possibility is chilling. And it is becoming an even greater possibility with more nations coming to discover nuclear powers and rockets that will send them to the other side of the world. The words “intercontinental ballistics missiles” seem made up, but in reality, they are becoming more prominent and closer to the point where somebody breaks and actually uses these words not in a speech, but in action.
This Vietnam veteran was against war and supported ending the war that we are currently engaged in. Normally when I think of veterans, I think of them as gung-ho and a little out there. But this veteran was not. If I saw him walking down the street, I would think he was just a regular guy. So when he said he supported ending the war, my first reaction was “I wonder if other veterans feel the same way as him?” It surprised me when he dealt out his opinion, but after thinking about it for a little while, I can see why he feels this way. I think that many veterans see what war is really like, the see the death and destruction, and I think that they realize that war is a bad thing. I think they realize that war does not solve the problems that people want solved, war does not fix things that are broken, war only breaks them more. I think to understand war, you have to be part of one. Not as a politician or observer, but as a solider in combat. To see what war really does, I think you have to participate and feel the feeling of the people who carry out the war, not the people who decide what to do in the war. I think that if the United States got into a major war right now (I’m not saying we are not in one, I’m just saying if we got into one that actually got peoples attention), I would have felt more comfortable with McCain as president. Nothing against Obama, but McCain was in the Vietnam War, he fought and was captured and he knows what war is like. He knows what would be right, and what wouldn’t.
Overall, I think I’m trying to say that war is not good. I support our troops and I have the greatest respect for soldiers, but I just think it is wrong to put them in this kind of compromising situation. I think that war doesn’t solve problems, and I think that politicians have some kind of mental block against this.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Final Four
When Louisville lost, I knew that my bracket was down the drain. It began with the fact that I had Kansas beating Michigan St. in the first place. So when Michigan St. went two further games than what I predicted, I lost. I was confident that Louisville would at least get out of the region, but at least I didn’t have them winning it all. I didn’t think that Michigan St. had it in them. They are coming from one of the easiest conferences in the nation, the Big 10, and they had to play some good teams just to get to the Elite 8. This is why I thought Kansas would pull one off; I think Sherron Collins is the one of the best guards in the nation, but Kevin Lucas proved why he was the Big 10 player of the year. At least I’m not some crazy TV analyst who chose Louisville to win it all and told everybody that there was no way they could lose.
The other Final Four team that I missed was Villanova. Wow I did not see this one coming. In my mind, there were two possible teams that could come out of that bracket, Pitt or Duke. There was no way that the Elite 8 game could be anything but that. I guess I was wrong. But when a team only shoots four for a thousand from the field, they are most likely going to lose. But ok, Villanova beat Duke, big deal, there was no way they were going to beat Pitt. Pitt was just too good. But once again, I guess I was wrong. I don’t know how they did it, I thought Pitt played fairly well, but Villanova pulled off the upset by 2. I can’t tell you how surprised I was.
So the only way that my bracket could have any dignity left will be if UNC and UConn win and UNC wins it all. But I really don’t know anymore. I have basically given up on my basketball predicting skills. But I don’t think I’m alone, I have not heard of anybody who chose this Final Four, so I’m in good company.