Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle

Pause this video at ­1:45 and tell me what you think (if you have seen this video, what you thought the first time).

You can’t say you were expecting that. The first time I saw this video, I was completely shocked. I thought she was going to be another William Hung, and be completely terrible. Just by looking at her, I knew that she couldn’t sing well. I was sure of it. I was sure she was going to belt out something that scarred my ears and actually deserved the ripping that Simon gives out. But no. I was wrong. Everybody was wrong. I know you would be lying if you said you expected that kind of performance. She completely stunned everybody, and I think that is partly societies fault. Society labeled her as an old, ugly lady who isn’t worth a thing. And that is why everybody was stunned. You don’t expect a beautiful song from somebody labeled like that. So I think that society as a whole should apologize to Susan Boyle and from now on, not label people before we see what they can do.

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